Monetize your website's empty space on desktops or laptops with the creative Branding (also known as Wallpaper) template.
VIEW DEMO ADD TO CART VIEW IN CARTDetect site container width using CSS selector
Enable/disable banners for each side (left, right, top)
Uploaded Image, Image URL, HTML5 banner URL, HTML code
Individual banners sizes for each side
Enable/disable scrolling ads within a page
Limit the scrolling of ads (for long banners)
Enable/disable overlapping of the top banner when scrolling the page
Set any offset from top of the page or site container
Enable/disable and select the position of the close button
Enable/disable ad appearance animation
Set custom name of variable used for clickTag
Tracking click for any creative without clickTAG implemented
Open the target link in a new or the same window
Third party impression tracker pixel URL